
7 Benefits of Bioidentical Hormone Therapy


7 Benefits Of Bioidentical Hormone TherapyHormones are vital for regulating numerous bodily functions, from metabolism and mood to energy levels and cognitive clarity. They are signaling molecules that get into the nucleus of cells and turn on protein production. They can regulate metabolism and other hormones as well as neurotransmitters. They are like contractors that [...]

7 Benefits of Bioidentical Hormone Therapy2024-11-23T22:05:32+00:00

Think You’re Too Old for Hormone Therapy? Think Again!


Think You’re Too Old For Hormone Therapy? Think Again! After doing a podcast on bone health and hormone replacement therapy (HRT) otherwise known as menopausal hormone therapy (MHT), I was deluged with notes and calls from women over the age of 65 who wanted to know if it is too late for them to start.  [...]

Think You’re Too Old for Hormone Therapy? Think Again!2024-10-24T10:41:54+00:00

How Managing DHT Can Revolutionize Your Health!


How Managing DHT Can Revolutionize Your Health! Today, we're diving deep into a topic that affects many aspects of both men’s and women’s health: Dihydrotestosterone (DHT). This powerful sex hormone that is much stronger than testosterone is created from testosterone by an enzyme called 5 alpha reductases. It and its precursor androgen testosterone have widespread [...]

How Managing DHT Can Revolutionize Your Health!2024-10-24T10:52:31+00:00

Hormone Replacement Options for Men and Women


Hormone Replacement Options for Men and Women If your levels of hormones are low you may be considering some hormone replacement options and want to know the pros and cons of each. There are several options available and the two most important hormone replacement options are the route of administration and the form or type [...]

Hormone Replacement Options for Men and Women2024-10-25T09:30:16+00:00

Exciting New Finding on Bioidentical Progesterone: The New is GREAT!


Exciting New Finding On Bioidentical Progesterone: The New Is GREAT! There is a lot of fear about the use of hormones in perimenopause and menopause. During these times of life women experience dramatic, uncontrollable changes in their minds and bodies. They complain of terrible mood swings and irritability, they snap at people and relationships suffer, [...]

Exciting New Finding on Bioidentical Progesterone: The New is GREAT!2024-10-24T11:10:53+00:00

New Insights on Hormone Replacement Therapy


New Insights On Hormone Replacement Therapy In 2002, many women on Hormone Replacement therapy (HRT) went off HRT due to the fear of risk from breast cancer, heart attack and stroke. The average age of the women in the Women’s Health Initiative (WHI) was 63 and they were on high doses of synthetic hormones taken [...]

New Insights on Hormone Replacement Therapy2024-10-24T11:11:22+00:00

Hormone Therapy for Menopause: Are You a Candidate?


Hormone Therapy For Menopause: Are You A Candidate? You would be hard pressed to find any woman who welcomes the onset of menopause with open arms. After all, night sweats, mood swings and a lowered libido don’t exactly conjure up the image of aging gracefully. Although menopause itself cannot be avoided, the dreaded symptoms that [...]

Hormone Therapy for Menopause: Are You a Candidate?2024-08-30T09:20:33+00:00
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